
Do It Ourselves Community


Projects developed side by side with you and your team


The basis of all our contributions


For Individuals, teams and organizations development

STEAMM Talent Thrive | Strategic Transformation | Organization Development

About us

Welcome to DiOComm

A few years ago, I left the corporate world to start a dream: Use my journey and my experience to accompany STEAMM professionals like you to walk yours and, of course, build the results aligned with your purpose.

Olga Pérez Alonso, DiOComm

“It’s time to take refuge in the open space” 

Adapted from H. Arendt

What We Offer

We help you generate a shift in consciousness and in practice to create new ways of organizing yourselves, new ways of relating to each other, to make better decisions and evolve human and organizational factors. You will get better results, greater commitment, well-being and safety. We accompany you in all phases of your project, adapt to your rhythms and those of your team. We listen to your needs, analyze the situation and look for the best path to assist you, by:

In-Person and Online Training

Experiences with individualized follow-up. To develop highly cohesive leadership teams. A special focus on women in STEAMM. Deep skills and talent. All organizational levels

Individual and Team Coaching Processes

To explore and dive into your purpose; discover, generate the best answers for you and your colleagues in any possible situations. Adapted to your own rhythm

Consulting and Expert Advisory

In your transformation and that of your organization. Managing changes. Integrated systems. Organizational and safety culture assessments

Years of Experience
Professionals Trained
Successful Projects
Countries where Collaborated


Our Expertise

25 Years of Experience in organization development

Providing support to organizations with high quality and safety requirements; improving organizational and safety culture, and developing highly cohesive leadership teams. And, now, we use this experience to accompany STEAMM professionals like you to build the results aligned with your purpose.

Ready To Create Synergies With DiOComm?