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Because individuals are stronger when we work together. Because organizations get better results when collaborate and cooperate. Because safety and security increase when teams communicate with each other. Because a shared space creates the desired culture. Because deep learning only happens when we feel trust. Because it is not about you or me but about us. These are some of the purposes to create DiOComm.

Olga Pérez Alonso, DiOComm

“It’s time to take refuge in the open space” 

Adapted from H. Arendt

do It ourselves community

A few years ago, I left the corporate world to start a dream: Use my journey and my experience to accompany STEAMM professionals like you to walk yours and, of course, build the results aligned with your purpose.

We are particularly sensitive to develop and bring leading women in STEAMM to the fore. STEAMM women have specific needs and specific challenges.

We have created «Leadership for Intrepids«, because a different leadership is possible: more collaborative, kind, generative.

We help you generate a shift in consciousness and a shift in practice to create new ways of organizing yourselves, new ways of relating to each other and new ways of relating to yourself.

And to do this we use everything within our reach. We apply innovative sound techniques to give facilitation and consultant support. This includes learning experiences with gamification, neurosciences, human centred change management, coaching, and a systemic approach.

With over 25 years providing support to organizations with high quality and safety requirements, we have a wide expertise in organizational culture and development, the creation of highly cohesive leadership teams, as well as the management of individual and organizational changes. We intervene in multicultural and international environments.

Our purpose: To contribute to respectful, healthy, diverse, and trustworthy organizations all over the world.

Years of Experience
Professionals Trained

Ready To Create a New Synergy With DiOComm?